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Sé que casi vengo iniciando pero hay algún lugar donde comprar un arma mejor voy por el capítulo 2 y ya mejore el arma que tengo desde el inicio.

En el laboratorio subterráneo de la biblioteca, obtienes un mineral de plata. Puedes llevárselo al herrero de la ciudad para obtener la primera mejora de arma. En el capítulo 2, también puedes aceptar un contrato (dentro de la taberna) que involucra a un súcubo donde puedes obtener un mineral de plata si te perdiste el del laboratorio.

Lastimosamente tuve que desinstalar el juego por 2 razones la primera como cazadora no pude ganarle a la segunda vampira la que está como en una especie de laboratorio y la segunda que no está en español y que aunque mate todo lo que encontré no hubo forma de subir de nivel.

Subirás de nivel hablando con Faahlda en el cuartel general de Noctorna y llevándole las partes de vampiro que recibes al derrotar enemigos.

You really should nerf the blackjack battle against the succubus during vampire route

It sort of is. If you completed it during the hunter route first, you can skip it entirely in the vampire route.

And if we start the vampire route after each new update with the provided save game i assume that is not the case, right?

Right. The save files assume you started the vampire route as soon as it becomes available in the hunter route.

If you want to customize your save more in depth or skip certain parts, I offer a dev room with cheats as one of the perks on my patreon.

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Really really really wish there was more content for the vampire route. more skills for vamp mila would be dope too tbh


I’m currently working on adding more content to the vampire route. Id say at present, the route as a whole is a bit over half way done. Rest assured, plenty more content is on the way. 🙂

Oh my god just what I wanted to hear <3 Can't wait

Bueno respecto a mi anterior consulta no sé cómo usar eso de Google Docs para traducir la guía pero ya encontré el segundo medallón si tengo otra duda pues la consultare por videos si hay alguien que haya subido un gameplay de este juego y la aplaudo a la o el creador que sigue activo no como otro juego que el creador no ayuda y básicamente desapareció.

Intento ayudar en lo que puedo, pero traducir todo lo que he hecho a varios idiomas es una tarea enorme, especialmente porque estoy desarrollando este juego por mi cuenta.

No estoy seguro de si alguien ha publicado algún video sobre el juego, pero si lo han hecho, ¡me encantaría saberlo! 😄

La de Android necesito el tutorial en español no hablo inglés y no se puede traducir o que alguien me diga dónde encuentro la llave para el cofre y conseguir el medallón del murciélago.

Necesito ayuda porque el tutorial no se puede traducir y yo no hablo inglés solo español.

Puedes traducir la guía del juego en Google Docs.

Empecé una partida como cazador encontré el primer medallon de la biblioteca alguien me puede decir donde está el segundo agarre el que estaba en un libro subiendo una escalera.

Puedes leer el tutorial completo aquí:

Hey MKRU, your game looks really, really cool but I cannot open my journal without the game crashing, meaning I can't even take the first contract. Any suggestions?

What version of the game are you playing? Are you playing on Android or PC?

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android, playing the most recent one. 5.5.1

That’s odd. I’ll look into it. It may be an android issue. Maybe try reinstalling it and see if that fixes it.

Tried reinstalling, did nothing. Thank's for the help though!

Hi there, MKRU.

I noticed after the update and started a new game, the slot machine's backdrop is missing.

what platform are you playing on? I think there is an issue with the Android version displaying the bg for the slot machine as far as I know.

You are right, it is on the Android.

I'm in the part right after turning an entire village into vampires, I have to open a door with the code, only I can't find the code can someone tell me?

Here is a link to the walkthrough. You should be able to find what you need here: 

Mi trovo nella parte subito successiva alla trasformazione di un intero villaggio in vampiri, devo aprire una porta con il codice, solo che non riesco a trovare il codice. Qualcuno può dirmelo?

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Tengo un problema con el capitulo 4 en la ruta de cazadora luego de recuperar el látigo se me dificulta llegar al jefe solo lo logre una vez y era una versión que no estaba disponible el jefe final de la historia, podrías hacer un video de como se debe hacer luego de caer en la trampa, por que me fui a la ruta de los vampiros antes de caer en la trampa por que estuve horas tratando de llegar al jefe, incluso mate en otro guardado a Dorian y me quede estancado.

Otra cosa es que en las ciudades aunque sea peligrosas las cazadoras que en un cierto nivel de Mila estas no sean tan problemáticas, por ultimo no estaría mal una relación amorosa o algo como en el capitulo 5 un beso en la mejilla de Bianca pero esta vez en cualquier ruta.

Tengo una duda el capitulo que sea en el que podes entrenar con Bianca en la ruta vampírica la volvemos a ver.

Lo ultimo seria que en el caso de que las partidas predeterminadas sean el inicio de cada capitulo y no un momento en especifico, y si debemos iniciar de 0 que en el cuarto de Mila haya un objeto que sea para hacer trampa como subir el rango, obtener los materiales y las joyas para mejorar nuestro equipamiento aparte de dar oro como 10 máximo 1000 mínimo y 5000 la mitad por que para el lazo definitivo sin contar el que ganamos por matar a Dorian es dificil de conseguir por que siempre hay que ir con el que vende el mineral, las joyas en su descripción podrían mostrar lo que suben o la descripción dar un indicio que nos dan para no poner algo erróneo y tener que usar otras gemas, y equipamiento.

La versión de Windows es la que parece no presentar el error al trasladar viejas partidas de la anterior versión, un consejo pero podria ser bonito es que hagas una versión en español o agregues la función de idiomas los que sean mas fáciles de hacer desde mi sincera opinión solo español estaría bien para que la siguiente versión no tarde un año o mas en salir que la ultima que descargue es la 5.4.1.

No espero que tomes todo lo que dijo como critica sino una opinión de como mejorar el juego como el idioma o el drop enemigo para subir de rango de Mila esto seria todo espero que tomes algo en consideración.

I know there's an item that lets me open gold chests, can someone tell me with as little spoilers as possible, where it is?

You find it in chapter 4. It’s an item you can collect.

Cual ruta la de Vampire Hunter o la Lady Vampire

vampire hunter only so far.

Does this game have any actual sex scenes besides the game over scenes? Are there any love interests? I'm a decent amount of hours in, and I haven't see anything yet, besides the previously mentioned bad ending scenes.

There are a few, yes. There are a few sex scenes in the extended bad ending for Viviene in the Hunter route and there are more in the vampire route.

You can also get Party members that you can raise your bond with, but only in the vampire route.

It's kinda a shame that we can't interact with Jessica in the vampire route after we save her as a hunter.  Is she just gone or is there plans for her similar to what happens with Bianca? I love the game either way,  I can tell you put so much love into it and it's actually fun to just sometimes play over and over.


I can't confirm either way if she will make her return in the vampire route. Sometimes it's better to imagine that a character is still out there somewhere living peacefully.

Peaceful? Psh! I want to legacy of kain that 😆

Is using the Bite attack with both party members on the same target supposed to take off half of Mila's max SP? Somehow I don't think it is.

I’ll look into this issue. Thank you.

Idk this is a bug or not

But my clover is not level up after i date to her like 6 - 7 time

Dates don’t increase your Pet’s level. They increase your bond with her. If nothing is happening, try removing her from your party and talking to her to get the next support conversation.

Yeah its a bug

I try everything fight with her, gift and still my clover doesn't level up

So her you mean her bond level, not HR, right?

Yeah her bond lvl

Found a bug running on a mac and this happened 

Deleted 146 days ago
Deleted 146 days ago

When and how did the bug occur?

two days ago I had to delete two old save files one is a completed hunter route and one incompete vampire route but it was fix when I deletd the files

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Another bug but its a mac problem report this happened a few times and I don't know why

I think I fixed it

Great to hear! What did you do?


How do I complete the fall of nocturna bad ending? When I go to the vault there seems to be nothing to do and the door is locked.

If you mean the ending where Mila converts everyone, you get it by surrendering to Viviene in chapter 2 when prompted, then returning to Noctorna. You need to convert Maye and Bridgette before you get to Maria.

I mean't the lose to gabrielle extended bad ending

Are you viewing this ending through the Theater? At what point in the game are you?

The theater

So I just checked it and the gate is set to disappear once you have reached chapter 4. I’m updating to also be removed if using the theater at any point in the game. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I love this game, i am following since 3.2.1,  i wait for each release, thanks MKRU, you game is awesome.

Thanks so much!!

I lost my saves after updating i grinded the casino for 9 millon gold i was about to enter the tomb to find out what happend to the mcs mother :(

My apologies. As with every version, the saves become incompatible. Unfortunately, it’s the nature of a work in progress game in RPG Maker. I do still include pre-made saves as an optional download, so that you can quickly recover your progress.

Are there any premade saves for Android? I bought the level 1 patreon membership and was abit confused on how to access the premade/cheats saves

when you start a new game on Android, you’ll be asked if you want to import the saves. Just accept and they should automatically be added.

I did that but how do i acess the cheats?

The dev room is accessible with a passcode. There is a pinned post on there with how to access it

If you still have difficulty finding it, message me on Patreon and I'll walk you through it.

Too avoid that. Can I just start a new game on Android and save the game from scratch ?. Or I am going to have use that back up folder save thing no matter what for saves.

you can’t import older saves, they are incompatible. Yes, either start from scratch or use the included saves. 

how do i disable the auto attack im a little confused

Auto attack isn’t on by default. Its on if the character has certain equipment, like the berserker wraps.

HI I was wondering if we ever get nsfw scenes involving Mila and Amber??

There are none in the game.

I was asking if you plan on making any in the future?

I don’t have any plans on doing that.

This is a minor thing, but I think it could be helpful for the walkthrough to mention the Jessica interactions as they become available during the main route (or at least the ones that alter later dialogue), instead of just mentioning them in the Side Quests section. Considering most of them come and go at times when you aren't going to be near Mor Town, they're very easy to miss.

Fair, I don’t mind updating the walkthrough to mention them.

(3 edits)

It won't let me into the game

Could you go into more detail? This happens whenever you start the game or only when loading a file? Is that save file from a previous version?

this happens when I try to enter my file which has the previous version save

Saves made in previous versions are incompatible. Please use the saves that I have provided to quickly resume from where you left off.

I'm playing on Android 

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So I just downloaded the update via steam, how though do i import the new saves into it??????? Can someone please walk me through that process?

I believe you place the save folder in the “www” folder. Its the one that has the data and img folders.

I tried that and it isn't loading up the new saves when I hit continue. I even tried putting the individual save files in the "save" folder and that didn't work either.

If your a mac user, what helped me was this...

1.) Download pre-made save files.

2.) Right click the game folder and click "Show Package Contents." 

3.) Click the contents folder then the Resources Folder.

4.) I had to play around with it a bit but I ended up deleting the prior "save" folder that is already defaulted there then dragged the pre-made game save folder there and it ended up working. 

I run Windows, is it still the same process????

Good update but I can say I am disappointed about Isolde and now Dorothy and how you can't turn either of them.

Fair point. It would have been a dose of dark irony to see Isolde turned especially.

Maybe still could? Now that Clover is a vampire maybe she likes the idea more and maybe it could turn into both of them biting isolde at once.

I don’t think Clover would want to do that her. Her feelings toward her mother are further explored in her support conversations.

True. Just all the new big boobas escaping Mila due to one reason or another just brings me pain xD. Welp, time to wait for next update. Can't wait!

Idk if this is intentionally (definitely not) 

When you bite with Mila and Ophelia at the same time (probably with other pets too) your SP is set to zero.

I’ll look into this issue.

So...the new update is glitching so hard that the vampire route has become unplayable on mobile at least.  Beforehand I couldn't use any items during battle as human Mila and now I can't use the blood magic which is making the fight in the library incredibly frustrating.

5.5.1 will be releasing on Sunday and the mobile version will release shortly after.

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I have a curse after doing the pyramid that just isn't going away, do I have to wear the crown forever? Its really annoying, I even tried Sacred Elixer and it did nothing.

All of the Royal Equipment in the pyramid is cursed. The only way to negate it is by wearing the Diadem you get from completing the quest, which negate curses. Once you remove the equipment and walk around a bit, it will subside.

I thought so but its not subsiding its just staying on me.

Remove all of your equipment and walk around until it subsides.

oh sweet that fixed it thank you

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Is anyone having issue with the game...? Cause everytime I go to try and play I get this stupid ass error in the crash log;

WinHttpCrackUrl: The URL does not use a recognized protocol (0x2ee6)

And I have already tried by uninstalling and reinstalling the game, and whatever other methods of attempting to fix the issue but nothing I've done will allow me to open the game and enjoy it TwT  

OH and before I am asked if I got the latest version of the game...Yes...Yes I do and by that I mean as latest as 5.4.1

What platform are you playing the game on (Windows, Mac, Android)? Also, when does the bug occur? As soon as you boot the game?

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Yes, as soon as I even attempt to boot the game it might as well automatically crash with the error being the one I had mentioned in my first and second comment about this issue, and yes Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit...And I went ahead and tried to see if using the latest version from your Patreon would work but even the early released version of 5.5 didn't work as that too also crashes automatically not even attempting to boot up into the game...all that pops up is something about NJWS but can't even read it before it closes itself

I honestly just wanna be able to run and play this game I had came to enjoy very much, but for some reason it refuses to launch at all TwT



Can Chinese language be added to the game ?

It would be a significant undertaking to translate the entire game. I do not speak the language myself, but I think that someone told me they wanted to work on it. I don’t know how accurate it will be, but a Chinese language version may eventually release.

what i do

im not sure why your journal is acting that way, but if you are lost, I recommend looking at my walkthrough to find out where to go next.

pic33 can't unlock using pre made save

Got it. I will look into this. Thank you.

pic 33 unlocks after defeating the vampire maid in Dorian’s Mansion. Did you get to that part in your save?

I mean in the vampire route,when I use the save to start vampire route( the save mila has became a vampire).I find that this pic was missing

Ah, I see. I didn't check that yet, but I will. Thank you.

Pic 33 can still be unlocked along with the other inaccessible Hunter Route images, by looking at the book in the Antiques Shop.

well,I play it on Android phone,but the pic33 can't unlock by looking at the diary,it's the only picture that fail to unlock in this way.

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Who knows name music when we combat Alexandria phase 2?

It’s called “Song of the End” from Youfulca.

Much of the music from the final dungeon was taken from there.

I don't understand why I let iris die but was given the option to spare the librarian

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